Silverstack lab vs livegrade
Silverstack lab vs livegrade

  1. #Silverstack lab vs livegrade archive#
  2. #Silverstack lab vs livegrade software#

Once you have registered a new reel/card, its metadata are stored in the Silverstack database and can be summoned whenever you need. having a record of all your cards : Silverstack is not only a copy software, but also a powerful tool allowing you a retrospective glance on your project.To accomplish this aim, Silverstack offers a lot of options : distinct destinations, cascading copy (meaning successively copying on different drives, allowing to start working on your main storage before all the copies are done) and of course a couple of checksum verifications (sha1, the traditional MD5 and the fast xxHash). copying camera cards : The initial goal of Silverstack is to allow its users to duplicate the freshly recorded clips on one or several storages.Let’s have a closer look in Silverstack missions, as presented by Patrick Renner, during this workshop:

#Silverstack lab vs livegrade software#

Whatever software I had used to render the proxy files I mostly copied the files via Silverstack. I should even say that Silverstack is the backbone of my dailies pipeline.

silverstack lab vs livegrade

I’ve personally been using Pomfort products for a few years now. Therefore Pomfort software range is in the heart of this fluctuant threshold. Pomfort positioned itself in-between onset action and post-production.

#Silverstack lab vs livegrade archive#

If you consider the whole range of products available in Pomfort catalogue, you could control the settings of your Alexa, live-grade the direct signal from the HD-SDI output (LiveGrade Pro), copy and verify all recorded medias ( Silverstack see further), generate all XML/ALE flavours you may need, archive your media on LTO tapes, apply your live corrections on the rendered clips ( Silverstack Lab).

silverstack lab vs livegrade

Onset Tools ! The main focus of Pomfort is to provide onset tools for technicians.

silverstack lab vs livegrade

In order to maintain a threshold between prod and post, let’s consider this assumption : post-production may start when the card is taken off the camera and in the hand ready to be offloaded. In other words, the limit between production and post-production is thin and porous and it is hence more and more uneasy to define any border between the two. Patrick Renner ( Pomfort) started his presentation by exposing the current context. There is no other goal in this writing to report this workshop from my perspective. This report is built on content mostly delivered by both speakers and in a small part on my own thoughts.

Silverstack lab vs livegrade